End World Hunger 2045 is a non-profit foundation dedicated to helping provide those in need with life’s basic necessities such as food, clothing, and access to employment. We tackle this ambitious goal both through small-scale local initiatives, as well as larger-scale projects with the help of other organizations and sponsors.
Our two main ambitions include alleviating the effects of hunger in vulnerable communities, as well as assisting in creating economic opportunities for these populations. With these two objectives in mind, the foundation seeks to support existing efforts around the world, and to create and participate in new initiatives.
Why 2045?
Our founder, Sergiu Kondanna, has dedicated himself to a spiritual life of meditation and bettering the world in any way possible. Upon establishing the End World Hunger 2045 foundation, he chose the particular time frame of 25 years to reflect his lifetime devotion to these efforts.
Board of Directors
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If we work together, we have the power to set things right. Let’s build a community of committed individuals to end hunger in every community across the world
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