The End
We finished in 49 days! Thank you to everyone who helped us along the way. You enriched this journey; made it something more.
Day 40 – 46
We are very close to the end now! We have heard so many interesting stories on the way, met so many people, and learned so much about Japanese culture.
Day 37 – 39
The past couple of days have become more restful. The rain gives us natural breaks. The rest is more pleasant after a nice, long day of walking.
Day 32 – 36
We've passed a month of walking! Half of our journey is over.
Day 28 – 31
Accident with our hammock. Despite these challenges we find ways to deal with it. Ryuoin temple. Thank you to the ladies that showed us around!
Day 24 – 27
Our feet are starting to really feel it now. Made it to Ehime prefecture. We are indebted to the kindness of others. Meeting everyone has made this trip so much nicer.
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