Mindset change

Mindset change

People’s life is guided but different things, such us culture, greed and manifold others that may not allow individuals to get open to the world. Is this the reality in your community? Having a specific culture is not that bad in itself, however, when it sets some barriers as to what to do and what no to be done but doable, it proves impeding. Some cultures are less limiting, anyone has his/her role to play in his own progress; People are masters of their own future and more often than not, it results in a huge progress not only at the individual level but at the nation level and most importantly if that was to be the conception for all, the world would look much better than it does. On the other hand, there are countries where life is programmed. It looks like there is a life routine that everyone has to follow just to appear pure to the community. It limits folks from dreaming and opening their eyes to know what happens elsewhere in the world, It has disadvantages to the society as it remains into the traditional practices and no development at all.

Some people also do stick to their greed which prevent them from some activities. Some people may even have hatred towards some other individuals whom they do not share the believing way. God does not oblige us to part ways with anyone despite his/her spiritual belief, we are created to work together, love each other and finally help one another. Delusion comes to distract us and we must get rid of it and learn to cooperate as much as we can.

Different societies that succeeded to evolve economically and socially started by changing people’s mindset. As Steve Maraboli mentions it, “once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” People get free to think and explore the world, something that gives good results for the world in general. It substantially brings happiness to everyone, “Happiness depends on your mindset and attitude”, Roy T. Bennett.

In a nutshell, people should learn to be as positive as they can to harness their own future and happiness just through examining what they live in the community. Trying to install good values that value individuals and teach others to view the world as their place of joy should be everyone’s duty.

Written by Joseph Nimbona in Burundi.

Edited by Sergiu Kondanna in Rome

Joseph and Sergiu embracing each other with one hand and smiling
