Orphans: Children of Tanzania

Orphans: Children of Tanzania

Sumaiya Yusuph
Year of birth: 2009
Age: 10
Father’s name: Yusuph Marusu
Sumaiya is in class five now. Her father used to be a farmer. She lives with her grandfather and her brother Ramadhan. Sumaiya has a dream to be a teacher.
Ramadhan Yusuph
Year of birth: 2005
Age: 14
Ramadhan is the first son of Yusuph, and he is Sumaiya’s brother. Ramadhan told me that one day he will be a good leader in his country.

These children needed help to reach their goals and End World Hunger 2045 Foundation will be there to help.

orphan of arusha holding a patterned cloth and writing utensilsorphan of arusha holding writing utensils shimba, sumaiya and ramadhan standing together indoors
