What is money? It is a tool, means of exchanging goods, a way to help us humans with our lives, to live well when we accumulate enough. Money is a way of helping others. We can live well with little money. We think only if we can have lot then we will be fulfilled. However, ask any lottery winner. Did it change there lives for long once they got it? The reality is that the money is never the source of our happiness. It is the things we do that make us happy.

Now we have a choice. Money or fostering relationships? It is the people you interact with in the organization you work with or for that is the real source of happiness. When money comes, it will be joyful because we do what we love and earn money in the process. Money is secondary when the environment we operate in is not beneficial for our contentment with life, despite earning lots. Look deeply at the cause of the unhappiness and you will always find money as secondary.

We trade time for money, and have none left to enjoy life. How much do you need to live life in full. Some of the most happy people are people with little. They figure out the way out of unhappy mind, realizing that money is secondary in life in every situation. Universe has its life path for everyone and no matter how much we push it away, suppress it and trying to run away from it is always there. The path of helping others is what we all are on this mother Earth come into existence. The service we can do comes in many forms, material when you have lots give to others, in the form of transferring the knowledge to other, in the form of protecting weak and needed.

As humans we have the highest level of consciousness and can do wonders for rest of beings and our mother Earth when life is understood outside of money. Imagine no money available, how would we live today. Imagine how we can be more attentive and helpful to each other when all equal. One might say will never happen, but the time is here and now, the universal consciousness is giving us hints it can not continue in the way it was before. Big changes are happening as we speak, be ready to change, only ones with open mind will be able to live happy rest are bound to suffer.

Money will cease to exist once new ways of interchanging products and services will be in place and is coming soon. Be alert, be mindful and think about others, not just oneself. We are all one, humans, birds, animals, flowers, trees, mother Earth, father Sun, mysterious Universe. When some links are not working in our relationship with others the universe will adjust to ensure the right balance is in place and always guide us to what is the best to ensure Love and Peace is restored, because is ultimate goal is to ensure safety and service for all beings.

Man wearing a shirt with the words hunger inspired me to give in front of a swimming pool in a hot place
